Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

A proclamation for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Whereas, after an initial proclamation was signed by then-president George H.W. Bush in 1990, followed by President Obama in 2012, 2015, and 2016, in September 2019, National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month was passed by resolution to be every September; and,

Whereas, 400,000 children around the world develop cancer each year, with 43 kids in America each day expected to be diagnosed and 1 in 285 by their 20th birthday being diagnosed; and,

Whereas, cancer is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy for American children; and,

Whereas, only six new drugs in the past three decades have been exclusively made to fight childhood cancer, and most standard treatments utilized were approved within the 1980s; and,

Whereas, more than 95% of survivors experience significant health-related issues by 45 due to current treatment options; and,

Whereas, in the United States, the federal government allocates less than 4% of its research to funding cancers that affect children.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I, (GOVERNING BODY), proclaim that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. With the rest of the (GOVERNING BODY), I advocate for all citizens to be proactive about medical treatment and prevention, as 44% of childhood cancer cases worldwide are never diagnosed. So it is upon us, the parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, neighbors, caregivers, whichever title you hold in a person’s life, to be proactive. Speak out, talk to your representatives, and if you are able to, donate to organizations on the frontline of the fight.