Certified Municipal Registrar: Marriage Questions

Welcome to your Marriage Questions

How many types of marriages are there?

Only one of the future spouses have to show proof of residency

Identification that isn't from the United States can be accepted

One person can sign in two places on a marriage application

You have to not only check for the information being complete, but accurate based on their ID

How long is the wait after someone puts in a application?

What is the minimum and max for someone to pick up their approved application?

The minimum amount of time is and maximum amount of time is

How many copies of the marriage license are given?

How many days, after the applicant is given their marriage license, are they supposed to marry?

Internet ministers count as people who can be an officiant

The State maintains a database of officiants

The witnesses who sign for the officiant have to be 18

If you aren't the issuer, but the wedding happened in your town, which Reg would you send to the issuing registrar?

Who is responsible for any issue with the marriage license after the wedding, but before you send it to the State?

Which Reg is used to amend a marriage license?

If someone whites out parts of their marriage certifcate, and need a new one, are you allowed to make changes based on what they wrote in?