Fire Prevention Month

A proclamation for Fire Prevention Month

            Whereas, in 1922, the National Fire Protection Association named the second week of October as Fire Prevention Week in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, which killed 300 people, left 100,000 people homeless, and burned 2,000 acres of land; and,

            Whereas, the National Fire Protection Association has chosen the theme for this year to be “Cooking Safety Starts With You,” as unattended cooking is the number 1 cause of home fires; and,

            Whereas, it is recommended by the National Fire Protection Association to always have a kid-free zone of at least 3 feet, keep pot handles turned towards the back of the stove, always have a lid nearby when cooking and, if a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner; and,

            Whereas, almost 3 of every 5 home fire deaths were due to the lack of smoke alarms or smoke alarms not properly maintained; and,

            Whereas, Smoke Alarm batteries should be changed every 6 months, and the device should be replaced every 10 years; and,

            Whereas, Carbon Monoxide Alarms should also be checked every 6 months and the device should be replaced every 7 to 10 years; and,

            Whereas, every home should have a fire extinguisher, specifically an ABC type, covering all types of fires, and it is recommended to check the fire extinguisher once a year, and the public should be aware that the average lifespan of a fire extinguisher is 10-12 years; and,

            Whereas, it is also recommended, especially for multi-level dwellings, to explore the purchase of safety ladders, to provide an additional means of escaping a fire.

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I, (GOVERNING BODY), proclaim that October is Fire Prevention Month on behalf of the (GOVERNING BODY). We implore citizens to explore and investigate their homes regarding fire safety measures and be proactive in the prevention of causing fires.