Proclamation: Anti-Bullying Month & World Day of Bullying Prevention

A Proclamation for World Day of Bullying Prevention and October is Anti-Bullying Month

Whereas, October 2nd is World Day of Bullying Prevention and October is Anti-Bullying Month; and,

            Whereas, 20% of students aged 12 to 18 experience bullying nationwide, and 31% of adults have experienced bullying in the workplace; and,

            Whereas, spreading lies and rumors is the most pervasive type of bullying, with it affecting 21% of adults in the workplace and 13% of students aged 12 to 18; and,

            Whereas, the effects of bullying range from students losing interest in academic achievement, lower grades, to increasing drop-out rates, and general effects include an increase in anxiety and depression, causes loss of sleep, and decreases overall mental and emotional health; and,

Whereas, one of the top contributors to bullying remaining so pervasive is due to many being a bystander; and,

            Whereas, it is recommended for both students and those in the workplace to assess the situation, document all incidents, and report what was done to a teacher, counselor, supervisor, or human resources, and never stop advocating for yourself until the bullying situation is adequately handled; and,

Whereas, you have the right to live a peaceful life, free of any form of harassment, and if you or someone you know feels hopeless, helpless, and is thinking of harming themselves, remember they can call 988, the suicide and crisis lifeline, or if it is an emergency, police and medical services at 911.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I, (GOVERNING BODY), proclaim that October is Anti-Bullying Month and October 2nd, World Day of Bullying Prevention. I implore everyone who sees something wrong to speak out, talk to the person potentially being bullied, show them kindness, and support them in whichever way you can, as we must come to a point where enough is enough. Bullying and harassment are not rights of passage or should be seen as the norm. Just because something has become common in our society, it doesn’t make it right, and only through silence can bullying continue from generation to generation.